Friday, September 10, 2010

7 days left till the 48 Hour Film Project machinima kickoff.

7 days left till the 48 Hour Film Project machinima kickoff.

If you were thinking about entering, do not wait any longer and go to and be part of the 48HFPmachinima 2010.

Yesterday, the outreach director of the 48HFP, mr. Ben Guaraldi aka Zaddik Zerbino – came to Second Life to inspect the 48HFP theater.
Soon after that, the instruction emails have been send out to the 17 teams that entered this years contest.
The teamleaders are now invited to do the paperwork, and to do a testupload to our servers. Let the buzz begin!!!

Teams are: (24 can enter, 7 slots available)

Grey Matter Films, Penumbra Carter
Ideajuice Studios, Peter Patterson
In Limbo, Rollo Girando
Insomaniacs, MATTHEW HAHN
Jewell Theatre, Fake Jewell
Kamachinima Production, Ariane Dupleich
M4SK 22, David Moss
Machinimart, Gabe Salgado
Machinimatrix, Hussayn Dabbous
Metaverse Television, Dousa Dragonash
Pookymedia, Pooky Amsterdam
Rediculous Sandwich Studios, John Navilliat
Running Lady Productions and Suzy's..., K. DaVette See
Sound'r, Andre Engelhardt
Stone Falcon Productions, Jun Falkenstein
team machine, Liz Solo
War Technica, Gabe Achanzar

Jury of the 48HFP machinima 2010 is:

Peter Greenaway - Filmmaker
Phaylen Fairchild – Machinimatographer, blogger, writer
Dr. Tracy Harwood- academic, 1st European Machinima Festival
Tom Jamtol – Film Director, author of Anymation

The screening of the films, after which the winners and awards are announced, will be September 23, 2010, at 1 pm and at 7 pm Pacific Time.
This spectacular event will be in SecondLife, in the UWA-Bosl Theater.
Press and guests are welcome to join the teams there, this link will bring you there.

Mr. Peter Greenaway, as head of jury, will speak to the teams and provide feedback, jury will be present at the event.

For information and for entering the contest go here.

Chantal Harvey
Machinima Producer 48 Hour Film Project

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