Monday, May 31, 2021

 MachinimaMondays meeting 003 - May 24, 2021



Bain Finch:

Pryda Parx:


Loopy Lae (laethantasona):




Pryda (pryda.parx): good evening

Chantal Harvey: hi there!

Pryda (pryda.parx): is there a meeting today?

Chantal Harvey: nice to see you!

Pryda (pryda.parx): purrrrrrrr

Pryda (pryda.parx): you too

Pryda (pryda.parx): I saw you liked my poem film

Chantal Harvey: i did very much

Pryda (pryda.parx): it wasn't machinima though, just blender

I wanted to try some new techniques

Chantal Harvey: it was a nice way to bring a good message across

Pryda (pryda.parx): I'm currently working on another blender project

I always want to do something different to what others are doing

and to get across a meaningful story too

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Greetings

Chantal Harvey: hi there!

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Got me a holiday monday!

Chantal Harvey: oo a machinimamondayholiday

Bain Finch (bainfinch): hehehe

Been having a lot of fun since FF

Chantal Harvey: it was great

Pryda (pryda.parx): 1pm is generally ok for me

Chantal Harvey: nice

Chantal Harvey: did you go to fantasy fair, pryda

Pryda (pryda.parx): the epic walk video?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): 3 or 4 would catch many western folks after their work hours

Pryda (pryda.parx): I've done a Fantasy Faire film the last 4 years now

Bain Finch (bainfinch): I just got the 'camera' bug

Pryda (pryda.parx): initially it was just foe me, so I could remember it

Chantal Harvey: designing worlds has a showing at 2 pm, today

Bain Finch (bainfinch): I captured all 21 regions so I could play to make memories for folks

and just finished the 2nd 'tour' video this past weekend

Chantal Harvey: how did you capture them, as a walk through or fly through? Did you edit it into a story?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): fly thru

Chantal Harvey: hey Nicole

Bain Finch (bainfinch): The capture of the region a one take fly through and bits of other captures for the intro and closing, music adds and text overlay

Chantal Harvey: NicoleX, so great to see you

Bain Finch (bainfinch): hello NicoleX

NicoleX Moonwall: Hello all , long time

Chantal Harvey: yea

Pryda (pryda.parx): Hey Nicole, purrrrrrrrrrr

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Come grab a space navigator seat and fly along with us

Chantal Harvey: you look great, NicoleX, as always

NicoleX Moonwall: thanks

NicoleX Moonwall: when i saw your name , i stop and told the gang i had to come on over

Chantal Harvey: good

Chantal Harvey: we have to make it worth your while, then

NicoleX Moonwall: are there lots of people like the old days

Chantal Harvey: we are just re starting after 7 years absence

Chantal Harvey: hi shelwyn

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Hello Eva

NicoleX Moonwall: i can remember back in the old day , this was the place to be

Chantal Harvey: yep

Chantal Harvey: but that is 7 years ago!

NicoleX Moonwall: i got my start here

Chantal Harvey: next week, toxic menges will be here

NicoleX Moonwall: 10 years ago

Chantal Harvey: thats great to hear

Chantal Harvey: what was your first machinima?

NicoleX Moonwall: Bridges

Chantal Harvey: and you still film and create?

NicoleX Moonwall: show in the China worlds fair along with Bryn Oh

Chantal Harvey: great

NicoleX Moonwall: very much so

NicoleX Moonwall: everyday in r/l

Dor (dorian.cao): Greetings all o/

Chantal Harvey: heeey dorian


Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): hello

Chantal Harvey: haha, great entrance

Dor (dorian.cao): ty ty

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): very cute

Dor (dorian.cao): the avie I got on marketplace, the ufo a friend made.  We did a little hunt on Bellisseria when we first moved in for fun.  I would use alts in flying saucers to buzz events for fun haha and for marketing lol

Chantal Harvey: nice!

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I want one!

Pryda (pryda.parx): Dor, you look just like a character in one of my fils in that flying saucer

Chantal Harvey: dorian has a large collection of vehicles, all kind of transport

Pryda (pryda.parx): Have a look at this one when you get a moment

Pryda (pryda.parx): you could do the machinima remake

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): The students would love it.

Chantal Harvey: and you, Eva? work to show?

Pryda (pryda.parx): it's not machinima though

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): not really

Chantal Harvey: animation, blender?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): just want to absorb. I could show a tiny vignette

Chantal Harvey: and NicoleX?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I'll  look

Pryda (pryda.parx): Does anyone make their own animations for machinima? I find it quite a chore

Dor (dorian.cao): We have someone in our theatre group that helps us with animations

Chantal Harvey: when i find a good animation, i make a film around it, like the hamburger fight machinima

Dor (dorian.cao): She's the one that made this UFO

Pryda (pryda.parx): what do they use for animations?

Dor (dorian.cao): hmm I'll ask

Pryda (pryda.parx): I use qavimator, but its not great

Pryda (pryda.parx): I keep planning to try blander for animations but not spent the time learning it yet

Pryda (pryda.parx): but surely you need specialist animations for the story?

Dor (dorian.cao): sometimes it adds to the story yes

Dor (dorian.cao): when we did Flowering Jade we needed a suicide animation and the one she made was so amazing people wept

Bain Finch (bainfinch) reads up, sees Pryda's channel and saves for later viewing

Pryda (pryda.parx): purrrrrrrr

Pryda (pryda.parx): try Future Shock, that was my 4 year machinima project

Bain Finch (bainfinch): makes notes

Chantal Harvey: hey Loopy, welcome

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): hey :)


Chantal Harvey: its 1 pm, lets start the third MaMo meeting

Dor (dorian.cao): Our animator uses Blender now she used to use QAvimator

Chantal Harvey: Loopy, do you create machinima?

Pryda (pryda.parx): I do need to get going with Blender for my animations

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i do, limited experience, just started again

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I'm taking it now.

Chantal Harvey: we are talking about animations, right now

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): although i onc did an hour long Christal Carol in little big planet :)

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yeah am gonna shhhh and lissin

Chantal Harvey: an hour? oh my!

Chantal Harvey: so Dorian, would your animator do custom work?

Dor (dorian.cao): The hover on my UFO is actually an animation of my avie sitting and then the slight bob around that she made. The UFO is a wearable, not a vehicle.

Dor (dorian.cao): Not sure Chantal, I'll ask!

Dor (dorian.cao): She does for the theatre, so she might work on some type of commission

Chantal Harvey: i think a lot of machinima makers would be interested

Chantal Harvey: uhh i would

Chantal Harvey: maybe we could share our best finds, as in shops or creators

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): tools

Saffia Widdershins: LOL

Saffia Widdershins: Captive audience

Chantal Harvey: hi Saffia!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i've just been learning to use animesh characters, making them use furniture like a human avo, thats been very helpful

Pryda (pryda.parx): good turnout today

Fakey (fake.jewell): Hi everyone

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): hi :)

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): hi

Dor (dorian.cao): Posting a link on MP to my friends store with a version of this UFO.  She is open to requests for animations!  Her store is called *~*HopScotch*~*.

Chantal Harvey: hi Fakey!

Dor (dorian.cao):

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): wow nice and cheap too!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i'm making a 'workshop' setting for a ci fi project, happy to let anyone use it if they need

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i came across a movement pad where u can pause bettween animations set a movement path, change anmims etc

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): really nice

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): that would work better than poseballs i fink

Chantal Harvey: smooth!

Saffia Widdershins: Oh nice

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): u want a link?

Chantal Harvey: i used a robot from a sci fi store to make camera movements

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): cool :)

Bain Finch (bainfinch): waves hellos

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): hi :)

Dor (dorian.cao): Greetings

Pryda (pryda.parx): wb Bain

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): hi

Chantal Harvey: i am re starting the blog, so we share tips and tricks that way too. And the fb group of course

Fakey (fake.jewell): Are we not voicing tonight?

Chantal Harvey: not tonight

Fakey (fake.jewell): Okay

Chantal Harvey: its easier to chat i think, so i can copy paste and share online

Bain Finch (bainfinch): and record for all the links

Dor (dorian.cao): I've sent Chandni (our animator) the landmark, so hopefully she will join us for some future meetings.  She is great!

Saffia Widdershins: :-)

Chantal Harvey: oo yes, chandni

Chantal Harvey: sooo shall i start the first film? Bain's fantasy faire?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i was actually looking at an old blog about converting mixamo animations to bvh for SL when this group popped up haha

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): sure!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): do they show on this screen here i take it?

Chantal Harvey: lets watch on my new tv system, its so nice and smooth

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Another off topic to animation, Saffia can atest, the power of having a Discord channel

Chantal Harvey: ok, i m watching

Chantal Harvey: can u all see?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): beautiful palette :)

Saffia Widdershins: Yes - and that screen is lovely

Bain Finch (bainfinch): I just got into being a 'camera' and learning so much at ever step

Fakey (fake.jewell): I'm not getting anything unfortunately

Second Life: Items successfully shared.

Bain Finch (bainfinch):

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): great music, where did u get the music?

Dor (dorian.cao): she clicked it a few times, so it might be her media settings

Bain Finch (bainfinch): YouTube's collection of free to use music

NicoleX Moonwall: no sound

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): nice

Dor (dorian.cao): she's watching on YouTube now

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): suits it perfectly

Chantal Harvey: yes that music is great

Dor (dorian.cao): double check your media sound level

Dor (dorian.cao): I had mine super low because of a boat I own LOL

Chantal Harvey: hehe

Pryda (pryda.parx): boat and a flying saucer, nice

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I just love walk thrus and fly thrus. That's my thing.

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yes :)

Bain Finch (bainfinch): girns

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): joystick for cam?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): only the 2nd of 21 regions I captured

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): wow

Bain Finch (bainfinch): space navigator

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): mysterious

Chantal Harvey: Saffia's designing worlds shows fantasy Fair tonight, too

Saffia Widdershins: Yes

Saffia Widdershins: Your camera work is soooo smooth Bain. Lovely!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): it really is!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): it was worth coming for this alne :)

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): space navigator?

Saffia Widdershins: And when you think of the framerates at FF, it's wonderful

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): and so nice to start netwroking a bit wif other creators

Chantal Harvey: it is, Loopy

Dor (dorian.cao): so with the space navigator, does it move your avatar or just your camera?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): ooooh

Chantal Harvey: that is a setting to choose, Dor

Dor (dorian.cao): ah!

Bain Finch (bainfinch): I tweaked and tweaked and tested on the laggyest sims videocard and viewer setting

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): perfect zoom on that middle fing whatever that was

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): serene

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): beautiful

Dor (dorian.cao): I had visited that region and wondered how the heck you got such smooth movement lol

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): just lovely

Chantal Harvey: yea!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): applauds!

Pryda (pryda.parx): yes, that was great

Dor (dorian.cao): Nicely done!

Chantal Harvey: so, tell us your secrets, bain

Chantal Harvey: claps!

Saffia Widdershins: beautiful, Bain!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): bain are u able to compare that navigator to using a joypad?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): discovered the size of the scene you are flying needs adjustments to the controller

Bain Finch (bainfinch): nav was better

Chantal Harvey: i used both, and far prefer the navigator

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): space navigator?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): so much more sensitive

Chantal Harvey: yes

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i may haz to look into that then!

Dor (dorian.cao): Eva, you are sitting on a replica of one =D

Chantal Harvey: hehe right

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I know. I love mine.

Pryda (pryda.parx): is that the one that looks like your chairs?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I wanted to know if Bain used one

Dor (dorian.cao): oh gotcha =D

NicoleX Moonwall: I sleep with mine

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Saffia knows of these tiny doll houses a friend makes and I dial back the nav controller setting so I can fly thru these tiny houses

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): shall i sit in the poor corner somewhere as i dont have one?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): me too

Dor (dorian.cao): No no Loopy haha

Chantal Harvey: yes, the navigator is the round chairs bain, saffia, and yourself sit on

Chantal Harvey: haha noooo

Bain Finch (bainfinch): or visit one of racerX Snail races and dial it fast

Dor (dorian.cao): It's a great tool indeed, but I don't have one either.

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I;m  always curious if anyone uses a different joystick

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): or tool

Chantal Harvey: i used all of my kids jousticks

Bain Finch (bainfinch): This next a real short one, a happy in scene walking in that fits so well while I was practicing flying backyards, without flying thru something I just had to do something with

Chantal Harvey: always experimenting

Chantal Harvey: but the nav is best

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i been using a xnox controllor, is not terrible, but i been leaning towards that navigator doodad

Bain Finch (bainfinch): once you get a nav, you'll wonder how you did it before

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i've alwasy used gamepad so is natural to me

Chantal Harvey: so you spent a lot of time on settings, graphics, right Bain?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): yes

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): uhm am i sposd to be clicking screen again?

Chantal Harvey: no not yet

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): k

Chantal Harvey: next film we show, is Pryda's

Pryda (pryda.parx): its not machinima, is that OK?

Pryda (pryda.parx): just reminded me of Dor's saucer

Chantal Harvey: its animation, blender, right?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): I discovered there are setting you can apply on your videocards thing to do certain things certain ways for the firestorm viewer, specifically with processing openGL with SL is running under

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): bain may i add u and get that in more detail some day?

Pryda (pryda.parx): I'd love to learn more about that Bain

Chantal Harvey: ok keep talking about that pls

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i have a RTX 3070 and am sure am not getting the best out of it for SL

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Will do

Chantal Harvey: i ll copy it in the blog, if thats ok?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): yes

Pryda (pryda.parx): drooling.... 3070!!!!!!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): giggles

Chantal Harvey whispers...3090 here

Bain Finch (bainfinch): running the same Pryda

Loopy Lae (laethantasona) calls hired assassins.. 'yeah i haz a job for you...'

Chantal Harvey: we are proper nerds, haha

Pryda (pryda.parx): oh dear, I really need to upgrade

Bain Finch (bainfinch): hehehe

Chantal Harvey: so Bain, i insist you share your secret with us

Pryda (pryda.parx): too embarassed to mention my graphics now

Easy Streaming TV: Options Menu is reserved for TV owner.

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): wll at least we stil have our souls pryda, am sure they sold theors fro 3090

Chantal Harvey: its never the machine, but the creator, that makes a good film!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): ifink it may be easier for bain to just write it up for the blog?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): so true on many creative feld Chantal

Dor (dorian.cao): Very true Chantal, it's not always about the 'graphics'   for example anything in Minecraft!  LOL

Chantal Harvey: haha yes

Chantal Harvey: ok Bain, want to send a notecard later? I will include it

Saffia Widdershins: It would be really good if you could supply screen shots of your settings

Saffia Widdershins: If you are up for that :-)

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yes :)

Chantal Harvey: is that a yes? hehe

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i wanna see pryda's non-macbinima crappy gfx movie!

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Yes, i'll compose a notecard about settings and get it to you

Dor (dorian.cao): LOL Loopy

Chantal Harvey: i had a sneek peek, its great

Bain Finch (bainfinch): to share

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): thanx in advance for that bain :)

Dor (dorian.cao): lets watch it Chantal!

Pryda (pryda.parx): it was state of the art GPU when I got it!

Chantal Harvey: ok! and thanks Bain

Easy Streaming TV: running YouTube video / playlist URL.

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): Thank you, Bain. You're very kind.

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yeah but u got cos it ran on windows 3.11

Chantal Harvey: ok, click twice pls

Chantal Harvey: 3

Chantal Harvey: 2

Chantal Harvey: 1

Chantal Harvey: go

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): error occured

Saffia Widdershins: me too

Dor (dorian.cao): I just have the red sec..there it goes!

Easy Streaming TV: running YouTube video / playlist URL.

Dor (dorian.cao): ok ...scanning....

Dor (dorian.cao): sadly just the red youtube button

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yeah me too :(

Fakey (fake.jewell): Oo - that's good - not just me then?

Saffia Widdershins: still getting error

Easy Streaming TV: running YouTube video / playlist URL.

Chantal Harvey: i submitted the link again

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): ok

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): same error for me

Chantal Harvey: ooo dang

Chantal Harvey: lets watch directly then

Chantal Harvey:

Dor (dorian.cao): want me to try on the big target screen?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yeah

Bain Finch (bainfinch): love how you did the birds!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): this is AWESOME

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): pryda that was really good!

Fakey (fake.jewell): That's beautiful!

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): oh, how I loved that!

Pryda (pryda.parx): See Dor could audition for the machinima remake

Dor (dorian.cao): hahah yes!

Chantal Harvey: that was a joy to watch, Pryda

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): it really was :)

Pryda (pryda.parx): thank you

Chantal Harvey: yea come back to machinima, too

Chantal Harvey: but this was great

Pryda (pryda.parx): I will, just as soon as I get the right idea

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): yes

Chantal Harvey: next work is by Eva

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): What I’m doing now is experimenting with special effects. And I’m slowly mulling over children’s materials that integrate peace and justice into our teaching. There will be eventually a narrative—voice and text and music. Any ideas?

Saffia Widdershins: :-)

Bain Finch (bainfinch): keep coming, get ideas from others sharing

Chantal Harvey: intriging title, Eva

I dreamed my bed was floating down a river. It rained a bit, but I didn't get wet. (Calas Galadhon)

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i dont see a title yet

Saffia Widdershins: Great effects!

Chantal Harvey:

Chantal Harvey: no sound for me too

Saffia Widdershins: I think there will be sound later?

Bain Finch (bainfinch): ty

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): There is no souns yet. I haven't added it yet

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): ah ok!

Chantal Harvey: ahhhh

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): Just the visuals

Chantal Harvey: its like a painting

Saffia Widdershins: That's lovely :-)

Pryda (pryda.parx): visuals are impressive

Chantal Harvey: yea

Saffia Widdershins: Yes

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): No After Effects

Chantal Harvey: how do you do that

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yes it really suits it

Chantal Harvey: hey hello Amar

Chantal Harvey: welcome

Dor (dorian.cao): what did you film this in Eva?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): hi :)

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): this is lovely too eva

Fakey (fake.jewell): Hi Amar

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): love the colours

Bain Finch (bainfinch): wonderful animation Eva

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I used Fraps here and then kept applying different effects. Back and forth Photoshop

Dor (dorian.cao): So that was all photoshop and fraps?

Chantal Harvey: in photoshop???

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): After Effects

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): uhm.. how do i stop that?

Chantal Harvey: ahhhh

Dor (dorian.cao): oh!

Chantal Harvey: that looks so graphic, i love it

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): thanks

Fakey (fake.jewell): It looks like a Van Gogh film

Chantal Harvey: yes

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yes!

Chantal Harvey: it does

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): What ideas do you have for a story

Dor (dorian.cao): It does!

Saffia Widdershins: After Effects scares me

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): dreans wishes

Bain Finch (bainfinch): you ask were I got my sound? On your YouTube dashboard, down at the bottom is music library

Saffia Widdershins: sometime I think I should do a course ...

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i am blind as a bat and haz to have my nose up against monitor to read anyfing on it

Pryda (pryda.parx): I really think the colours are amazing

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): for AE

Bain Finch (bainfinch): the water rippling wonderful too

Chantal Harvey: ae takes training, a course is good, or just google it, youtube has great tutorials

Chantal Harvey: i imagine there will be a poem with the film, Eva?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): I think a narrative of some kin.

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): d

Chantal Harvey: i look forward to more!

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): Still experimenting witg\ all kinds of vignettes and special effects.

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): Hands are bad. Can't really type much fast.

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): thank you

Saffia Widdershins nods

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): chantai that big screen keeps auto-playing next video

Chantal Harvey: oo pls stop the big screen

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): can that be stopped?

Chantal Harvey: yea

Dor (dorian.cao): trying

Fakey (fake.jewell): That's very loud!

Dor (dorian.cao): it's not working right

Saffia Widdershins: I need to run and set up for DW I'm afraid.

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yay!

Dor (dorian.cao): done

Fakey (fake.jewell): Phew!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yay at screen gone, not u going

Chantal Harvey: see you there, saffia

Saffia Widdershins: When will the next meeting be?

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): hate autoplay

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): suc bad timing haha

Chantal Harvey: shall we watch loopy s work? and then field trip to designing worlds?

Chantal Harvey: every monday at 1 pm

Saffia Widdershins: Yay!

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): sure

Amar (amardon.wonder): Yes please

Chantal Harvey: ok, Loopy, tell us about your work

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): before mien starts, a lot of it was done in me playing in a VR music app, the music is jointly done by me and a friend, and this is still a wiP :)

Chantal Harvey: then we watch and then field trip

Saffia Widdershins: Loopy - if you have a YouTube link, I'll watch it later :-)

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): one sec sofia i'll im u it

Chantal Harvey: i did already

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): that was all i needed to say really chantal :)

Saffia Widdershins: Thanks :-)

Chantal Harvey: ok, very curious

Bain Finch (bainfinch): hugs Saffia

Chantal Harvey: lets watch, one sec

Bain Finch (bainfinch): and big yes Saffia on that other thing :-)

Chantal Harvey:

Chantal Harvey: wow

Dor (dorian.cao): I liked that frame to DJ shot a lot!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): thanks!

Chantal Harvey: and the audio

Chantal Harvey: proper stereo

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): very engaging

Loopy Lae (laethantasona) beams

Amar (amardon.wonder): Oooooo I like :)

Pryda (pryda.parx): really enjoying this

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): \o/

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i am gettig near stage i can start getting the story in it now

Pryda (pryda.parx): I think I might be pinching some ideas for my current cyber kitty project

Chantal Harvey: hehe

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): u is totes allowed :)

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): It holds your interest well. Fascinating.

Chantal Harvey: we are here to share!

Chantal Harvey: so, yea

Dor (dorian.cao): is this all in SL?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): no this bit, and bit of me playing are in Electronauts, a VR music app

Bain Finch (bainfinch)'s jaw drops and shatters on floor.

Bain Finch (bainfinch): wow

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i've doen soem live stream gigs of it in SL :)

Dor (dorian.cao): ah!  cool

Chantal Harvey: wow this is so cool

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): fanks so much for the enthusiasm!

Chantal Harvey: so you are a musician too

Pryda (pryda.parx): wonderful

Chantal Harvey: and only 3 months in sl???

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yeah i'm a dabbler haha

Dor (dorian.cao): Daft Punk ish  =D

Bain Finch (bainfinch): stunning

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): good job

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): it's a rebirth in sl chantal :)

Chantal Harvey: did we meet before?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): no, i never did any machinima before

Chantal Harvey: well, never stop

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): dont know anyone here

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): aww ty :)

Chantal Harvey: thanks for showing this

NicoleX Moonwall: Hello Loopy

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): sorry, i've done some in little big planet and GTA

Bain Finch (bainfinch): indeed.

Chantal Harvey: great meeting this week, again

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): hi nicole

Chantal Harvey: shall we go to designing worlds?

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): sure what is that?

Chantal Harvey: a talkshow, ran by saffia who was here

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): oh cool

Chantal Harvey: also showing machinima

Pryda (pryda.parx): I wont be able to join you there, but this week has been really good

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Was a delight to met you all and seeing your work.

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): likewise!

Eva Wynshel Shelwyn (evangeleva): you as well

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): i am looking for peope to help on my project if anyone is interested pls do drop a line

Chantal Harvey: join the mamo group, Loopy?

Chantal Harvey: machinimamondays

Chantal Harvey: in here, and facebook

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): one min i need to leave a group

Bain Finch (bainfinch): me needs to wait to see what in store for me but always will to help if I can

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): then can someone give me a link pls

Bain Finch (bainfinch): and yes, notecard on video settings for coming

Bain Finch (bainfinch): forthcoming*3

Chantal Harvey: nice, wow productive meeting

Bain Finch (bainfinch): Have a wonderful day folks

Chantal Harvey: thank you all so much!!

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): k i joined :)

Dor (dorian.cao): See you all next week!

Chantal Harvey: see u next week? or at saffia's

Loopy Lae (laethantasona): yes i deffo be here next week :)

Claud Albanese: to

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

MachinimaMondays meeting have started again - weekly meetings in Second life.

 On May 10, 2021, MachinimaMondays was started again. 

Weekly meetings in Second Life at 1 pm. Anything machinima-related can be brought to the spotlight. Open and supportive meetings. Are you looking for feedback on your films, are you a musician, builder, scripter, director, actor, writer, amateur of professional - we welcome everybody.

Our mission is to support, share, learn, and have fun.  

Meetings are in voice and in chat. We share our work, ask and answer questions, talk about copyrights and problem solving.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the machine - a cyberpunk fairytale

Lizsolo is an artist that has done many things for machinima as a genre. She has been a part of the MMIF festival, with a top entry "Machine, I am".
Se also provided many of us with her lovely music, to use in our films.
She is searching for support for her new project.

Experimental Art

the machine - a cyberpunk fairytale

In a post-apocalyptic future a city-based survivalist scans the ravaged metaverse, rebuilding pieces of humanity's dead networks. Interrupted by the appearance of another survivor her carefully constructed defences slowly come down and the two form an unlikely bond. Shot on HD video and incorporating 16mm film and machinima, the real and the virtual converge in a science fiction creation story.

the machine, by Liz Solo, is a thirty minute science fiction story set in St. John's, Newfoundland. The script is the winner of The Newfoundland Joy Award from the Linda Joy Media Arts Society and the Dramatic Script Prize at the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts and Letters Competition.

"'the machine' represents a new generation of media arts production and makes use of extremely current creative techniques like machinima, which have grown out of contemporary virtual art movements" - the Linda Joy Media Arts Society said in a release.

the machine stars Melanie Caines and Liz Solo. A great crew is coming together with a design team including: Camera by Bob Pope; Set Design by Barry Newhook; Props by Andy Pyne and Jenn Brown; Design Consultant Geoff Younghusband. Set Painting by April Norman; Costume Design by Charlotte Reid Hair by Mackenzie Geehan and Makeup by Andrew Squires. Liz is working with UK artist Yael Gilks/Fau Ferdinand to design the virtual sets. Machinima by Liz Solo; the machine shoots in mid-April with an expected completion date of August 2012.

the machine is a technically challenging piece merging different media. Being a science fiction movie, it is an unusual kind of project for St. John's and will be shot in the downtown of the city. The machinima sequences will be created online at the Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance Simulator in the virtual world of Second Life.

the machine involves a new technique in animation - machinima - (machine generated animation) - a skill Liz Solo has been honing over years of working in online environments. This script is, in a way, the culmination of ten years of work in online spaces. The story reflects experiences of collaborating with others around the world via virtual environments and is a statement on the mindlessness of war.

The machine has recieved the support of the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council, The Linda Joy Media Arts Society and the Black Bag Media Collective - over half of this support is in the form of donated professional services and top notch equipment. This is wonderful support that will raise the quality of the piece, but this also means more crew are needed to manage the now larger scope of the production.

All money raised here on Rockethub will go towards fees for the prodcution costs. You may also contribute directly to the production via this paypal account:

RocketHub is not an investment or charity. It is an exchange: funds from fans for rewards from us.

Please see Liz's websites for more information about her work:

